
Global Interconnection Group is listed on the Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange. Read our selected news and updates below.

LS Eco Advanced Cables signs Head of Terms with Port of Tyne 


Global Interconnection Group is delighted to announce signed Heads of Terms for an option on a lease at the Port of Tyne.

LS EcoEnergy starts negotiations on the land for submarine cable project in UK


LS EcoEnergy (CEO Lee Sang-ho) announced on the 12th Jun 2024 that the company has entered into negotiations to secure the land for a submar

Annual Report and Financial Statements 


The Board of Global InterConnection Group Limited announces the release of its Annual Report and Financial Statements.

Multiple updates including JV from Global Interconnection Group Limited


Multiple updates announced from Global Interconnection Group Limited.

Announcement of transfers


GIG is pleased to inform the market that transfers have been notified to the Company.

Intention to purchase and announcement of trades


The Board of GIG have been advised by Evora SRC Limited (“Evora”) (1), a company incorporated under the Companies Act 2006.

Result of Annual General Meeting and important notice for GIG Public Warrant Holders


Global InterConnection Group Limited announces that at its Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) held earlier today, all resolutions were duly

Global InterConnection Group announces the results of the GIG Public Warrant exercise to be eligible for Reward Shares


Results of the Early Exercsie of GIG Warrants We are pleased to confirm the results of the Global InterConnection Group Public Warrants earl

Announcement of Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders (“AGM”)


The Company announces that the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders (“AGM”) will be held at 10am on 20 November 2023 at its regist

Investor Presentation: Global SuperReturn Conference


Global Interconnection Group presents its strategy to investors as part of the Global SuperReturn Conference.

Key Shareholder Transactions and Connections: GIG’s Latest Trade Update


GIG is pleased to announce that the following trades took place today, 10 July 2023.

Global InterConnection Group lists on Euronext Amsterdam


Euronext today congratulates Global InterConnection Group, a UK based firm, on its listing on Euronext Amsterdam (ticker code: CABLE).